Cleo’s Big Find


Pyramid courtesy of, edited in Photoshop.

For fun, Cleo Redding and her Mom sometimes went to a local thrift store.

One time, her Mom found several Paul Revere pots and pans. Cleo didn’t even know that Paul Revere made pots and pans until she saw his cookware with his insignia on the bottom of it. It amazed her. When he wasn’t warning people that the British were coming, he was making pots and pans.

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The Library Dash

library bookcase clipart

Library bookcase clipart courtesy of

Brenda Books had many books she wanted to finish reading: Stuart Little, Charlotte’s Web, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and all the Harry Potter books. She checked out these books from the library a while back and she was still working her way through them. Charlotte’s Web was the book she had checked out the longest time ago and it was due at the library today. She realized this at about 2 P.M. during Ms. Applewood’s class.

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Of the Universe

Orion constellation courtesy of

Orion constellation courtesy of

Tommy Tomorrow ayoved to stare up at the sky, whether it was day or night. He always saw something interesting up there.

It was a particularly clear sky this night. He saw the constellation Orion. It was the easiest one for him to identify because it had three straight stars across Orion’s belt. He also was good at finding the Big Dipper. All the other stars were a mystery to him.

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