Is Life But a Dream?

Dream cloud

Dream cloud courtesy of

Amy Lockhart was about to fall asleep. Her mind wandered to her usual thoughts: bringing back something from her dream and the meaning of life. She promised herself that tonight would be the night she would definitely bring back something from her dream.

She always wanted to be in a dream she could touch. She wondered if her life may already be this dream. Was reality really real? she wondered. Sometimes she felt hurt. Sometimes she was teased. Was that what made her life really real? She knew in her heart something was a little off, missing. The ultimate truth was missing! Where was she really and what was truly going on here on this so-called planet?

All the scientists had measured, looked, analyzed, but they all failed like characters in a frozen dream to prove one small detail: was it all really real to begin with?

Amy started to wonder, what would make her life seem really real? She knew it would probably be if she could see her guardian angels all the time. She felt protected. She felt the presence of guardians around her, but she could not see them.

Dreams can be horrible. Dreams can be beautiful. And everything in-between. She could see flowers, and faintly smell and touch them, in her dreams. She could hear and feel the wind. Her friends could talk with her in her dreams. All her five senses were mostly in tact in her dreams. Then, as bad or as good as her dreams were, she would always wake up in the end and realize it was all just a dream.

She would not be surprised if she woke up from this life one day—which was a lot like her night dreams, except a bit more fixed and solid. Someday in the future, someone could tap her on the shoulder and say “it was all just a dream.” Then she would blink hard and wake up into a beautiful place, full of lights, and know it was true: “reality” really was all just a dream.

“Thank goodness,” she would say. “It was such a weird place. It was called ‘Earth.’ There were many beautiful things, people, and experiences there, but also many sad things. Everyone tried to make this thing called ‘money.’ They felt trapped. They kept looking for love and being unsatisfied. People looked different. Many times, what I wanted, I could achieve. Sometimes I could not. I had constant fears that increased as I grew up. I can’t believe I forgot this place. After all my struggles, all the rules I followed there, it was all just a strange dream. Please don’t send me back there again!”

“You are not done,” the guardian would answer her. “It is when you don’t want to leave, when you find so much joy, even there, that you do not need to go back. If you still fear that world, you have not mastered it. Did you forget yourself and follow others? Or, did you maintain your inner light and truth?”

Amy Lockhart imagined this exchange between herself and her guardian angel and then she realized that if, perhaps, her life really was a dream, then she would make it the best dream she could. She would choose her dream life each day. She would keep certain things and avoid others. She would do her best to master this world, remember where she really came from, and find peace, love, and joy here everyday. She wanted to love Earth so much that she never wanted to leave. And that was when, perhaps, she could leave Earth for good and finally wake up for good and see her guardian angels all the time.

Amy was not sure if she had it all figured out, however, it sounded like a great plan whether her theory was true or false: she would do her best to make her life a beautiful dream. She relaxed and drifted off to sleep. She opened her hand to bring back an object from her night dream. She kept trying. Maybe one day it would finally work.

Question: How surprised would you be to find out later that your life was actually some kind of dream or illusion? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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One thought on “Is Life But a Dream?

  1. It would be a happy surprise for me. Nonetheless, I still want to make the most of this possible dream life I am now living. Like Amy Lockhart, I want to choose my dream life each day as much as possible. I believe a lot of what happens in our life, we do to ourselves. I work on making wiser choices.

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