Pete Moss Hugs a Tree

Green Tree Clipart

Tree clipart courtesy of

Pete Moss was determined to meet and commune with the fairies and gnomes.

He figured he would take the first step in this friendship: he would hug a tree, with permission of course.

He went to his backyard one day where there was the white dogwood tree in the back southwest corner of his house.

He knew this tree was special and had very good energy. As he was falling asleep one day in the gazebo built into the back deck of his house, he looked up to the leaves of this tree and saw they all had a pure emerald green aura.

He walked up to this tree and thought, May I hug you? The tree stood there. It did not complain. He walked up closer and put a hand on the tree. I remember your emerald green light, he thought. Thank you for showing me that.

He felt a gentle breeze as if it were an answer.

You’re a very good, healing tree. Thank you. Then he wrapped his arms around the tree and gave it a big hug. Thank you for being in my garden. The tree sent him a loving energy that made him feel more alive and well-rooted than ever. I love you.

Just then he saw the teensiest, tiniest little silver spark. He was in a state of bliss and calm. He just saw his first faery. And all was well in the world.

Question: Where do you think the fairies go in the winter? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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One thought on “Pete Moss Hugs a Tree

  1. In the winter, I believe fairies stay around the same areas or go to a warmer dimension. I believe the world has many more dimensions and planes of existence than modern science is aware of. It’s definitely not just a 3D world. God is way too cool and powerful to only make it a simple 3D world.

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