Of the Universe

Orion constellation courtesy of OpenClipart.org/Firkin

Orion constellation courtesy of OpenClipart.org/Firkin

Tommy Tomorrow ayoved to stare up at the sky, whether it was day or night. He always saw something interesting up there.

It was a particularly clear sky this night. He saw the constellation Orion. It was the easiest one for him to identify because it had three straight stars across Orion’s belt. He also was good at finding the Big Dipper. All the other stars were a mystery to him.

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Smile Power

smile power clipart

Smile clipart courtesy of ClassroomClipart.com

Cynthia Buttons had many talents, but her favorite special gift she told no one about: she could make anyone smile. She especially enjoyed taking frowning people and making them smile.

Her technique was simple. She would find a frowning person and just think, “I can make you smile at me.” Then, she would look at them for a few seconds as a smile would creep up the corners of her mouth. Before she knew it, they were smiling at her. It worked every time.

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