Super Bowl Daze

Super Bowl football

Football courtesy of

The Elementrees spent the day of the Super Bowl doing many things except for watching much of the game. They glanced up every now and then to see what was going on.

Trudy Jones and Cleo Redding meditated in a corner of Cleo’s living room as they held hands, closed their eyes, and imagined they were visiting far off lands and worlds.

Bobby Bishop was playing Tommy Tomorrow at chess. Tommy kept losing, but he did his best to at least stay in the game longer every time he played Bobby again. It wasn’t working out too well.

Brenda Books was reading a book.

Amy Lockhart helped her mother roll homemade pretzels and then spent most of the Super Bowl writing down family recipes.

Brian Glass spent the day of the Super Bowl rolling glass marbles around his living room, losing them under furniture, and then having to dig them out again without disturbing his parents and sister too much. It was not easy and it made him feel awkward as usual.

Pete Moss spent the Super Bowl looking outside his window at his snow covered backyard. He could hardly wait for spring when he could enjoy the budding plants, trees, and flowers again.

Cynthia Buttons spent the Super Bowl dancing around her house as her parents had friends over who spent more time talking than watching the game.

Abigail Abacus spent the Super Bowl keeping the score, which did not take her much time. When she wasn’t looking up to refresh her score record, she was trying to learn the rules of football, which none of the Elementrees understood yet.

It seemed to involve a lot of chasing after an unusual ball and trying to get to the opposite side of the field with the ball still in your hands. They did not understand why they were allowed to kick after they scored. They kept forgetting what first and ten meant and what came after that. They couldn’t hear the vocals during the half time show, but the show still went on.

The Elementrees each did their own thing during the Super Bowl. They enjoyed being part of such a festive event. From their homes, the Super Bowl was a great show. Every now and then they would see a player who had the ball getting taken down by another player.

They wondered why this was so entertaining to watch. It was kind of a guilty pleasure.

Then Abigail figured it out. It was so entertaining to watch because the players were trying to break the laws of physics. They were appearing like invincible cartoons. They were beyond physical. They were just balls of massive energy smashing up against each other in an actual super bowl field.

It was a dance, a theatrical war, rolling balls being hidden, they were tied up into pretzels at times, outside, reading playbooks, dreaming big, and keeping score.